Dear All,
Well, I am writing from the sick house...again. I have had a rough start to the year regarding my health. (I am completely fine but just seem to be trying to get all of the viruses that are possible to get these days!)~ I do think this is my first missed Homecoming...ever. After all of the years of this tradition, I still love the week, the games, the energy, and the festivities. The Upper School works so hard to make this week a good time for all, and I am super disappointed that I am not there cheering our Griffins on this afternoon and evening, hearing the pep band, and seeing this year's Homecoming Court and newly crowned Homecoming Queen.
Students had a wonderful time this week dressing up, cheering at our Red and White game, viewing the Upper School halls, and getting silly at the Pep Rally. It's all just good fun.
In other news, Carol Hamilton(7th and 8th science teacher) and Tessie Kerslake(5th and 6th science teacher) took to the woods today for a day of professional development. They attended a wildlife habitat education program that will enhance their work with our newly formed 4-H WHEP team as well as specific teaching units within the classroom. I am so excited about our 4-H club and all that they have planned.
Next week, our 6th-grade chorus will have an opportunity to sing the National Anthem at a USC Upstate game on Wednesday evening. This is a great way to show our skills and have some fun, too.
Have a wonderful weekend and I hope to see everyone back on Monday!
Take good care,